Packing tips for couples

Wedding anniversary in the city.

Hi folks, it’s great to be back, and I can’t wait to tell you all about the past five days.

On the 10th, it was my wedding anniversary, and my husband, Brendon, and I went away to celebrate it.

Surprisingly, Brendon said to me a few weeks before we left: “I want to have you packing for me just like you do with your clients.” He also said: “It’s annoying to carry so many things and then don't wear even half. When I don’t plan, I tend to overpack. This time I want to bring only what I need.”

We decided to get him some walking-around shoes, but due to the lack of time to order online, we went to get them at the mall. This way, he could wear the shoes a few times before we left —to break them in.

Never take unworn shoes when traveling!! You don’t want to ruin your vacation with blisters that will prevent you from properly walking.

I did my packing like I usually do. I love to pack my outfits alone with music on, and I like to try on everything. I take pictures, so I have the visuals to check if I forget what I have planned to wear.

Those five days in the city were moments I know we will never forget.

Happy and priceless time well spent with my husband.

Brendon took me to my first Broadway show, and it was fantastic!

We had delightful food and a few champagne bottles! Everything was planned, and we had nothing to worry about.

We visited the MOMA, the One World Trade Center Observatory, and some other tourist spots in town.

It was amazing, we enjoyed every single minute.

More than ever, I am sure about one thing:


I love packing for my clients, my husband, and me so we can spend time doing what is important — enjoying our trip!

Let me know: what is the thing you always make sure to bring with you when you travel?


Ana Harris


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