I got my Color Analysis done, now what?

I got my color analysis done, now what? Personal Stylist Ana Harris with a color wheel

So, you've had your color analysis done and you have a beautiful palette that perfectly complements you. Now what? It can feel overwhelming to navigate your wardrobe and figure out next steps. Here's some guidance to help you build your dream closet post-color analysis.

messy closet for purge your closet

Purge your closet

I’m going to be honest; color cannot be the only factor in your decision-making when it comes to purging. Consider the fit, quality, and how much joy each piece brings you and your closet. After you purge, you'll feel a gigantic relief. More importantly, you'll gain clarity on what truly works for you and understand the gaps in your closet.

personal stylist Ana Harris planning out wardrobe base

Establish your wardrobe base

Acknowledge your lifestyle and think about how you want to show up in the world every day. Then, you can start to plan the base for your closet. I like to call this base "WithOut Fails" or "WOFs," a term coined by Amy Smilovic, the founder of Tibi. These are the pieces you go to every time you need a good outfit. To build your WOF base, select around 6 colors from your palette. Use your color swatch for guidance, but if there's a color you love that's not on your swatch, keep it anyway! At the end of the day, we want to be happy and feel good about our outfits regardless. To illustrate, here are my personal 6 wardrobe base colors:

  1. White

  2. Black

  3. Navy

  4. Red

  5. Coffee Brown (to compliment my eye and hair color)

  6. Camel (not in my swatch or best color at all, but I love the grounding and contrast it gives to all the bright colors in my palette)

WOFs foundation base wardrobe

Invest in the best quality you can afford for your foundation because these are the pieces you'll wear over and over. Your closet foundation (WOFs) should make up 50% of your clothes.

Add complementary pieces

The next 30% of your closet should consist of pieces that complement your base. These can be a variety of colors and textures that make your base more fun and set the mood for your outfits.

Incorporate statement pieces

The last 20% of your closet is reserved for pieces that will get you out of any rut. This is where you can be fun, bold, and free. Include extremely trendy pieces and items you're experimenting with. These could also be seasonal pieces that you know may go out of style soon, but they're fun while the trend lasts. However, avoid investing big dollars here; save it for your timeless foundation pieces.

personal stylist ana harris shopping for clothes

Your closet is more than just a collection of clothes; it's a place of joy, reflection of who you are, and how you want to present yourself to the world. By following these steps, you can create a wardrobe that not only suits your color palette but also aligns with your lifestyle and personality. If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about any step of this process, I'm here to help you every step of the way. Let's work together to make your dream closet a reality!

Where do you think you need help most? Purging, building a base, or finding the right statement pieces.


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