Self love isn’t ego

Hi friends! It’s great to be back chatting with you. I saw somewhere earlier this week a big sign with the sentence:


That is something that I tell my clients on a daily basis. There is so much around self care that is taken as unimportant or shallow. Am I wrong?

Listen to me, if you don’t care for yourself and fill your cup in the first place, you will have nothing to give.

I know this is a bit of tough love, but my goal is to see you at your best. I want you to be happy about how you look and ready to live your best life.

Life isn’t perfect, we all know that. We are busy all the time, there’s always something to be concerned about and that won’t really change. So we need to literally schedule some “ME TIME,” in order to recharge and to be able to keep going.

January is a perfect time for resolutions and changes. You know that thing you wanted to do for yourself but always felt like it’s not that important so you keep pushing it aside? Do it. Give yourself that treat. Do it for you, because you deserve that.

Here are some ideas of things you can do to recharge and get ready for the rest of 2023:

  • Get a massage (solo or with your girlfriends).

  • Get away for a weekend with your significant other.

  • Hire a personal organizer to help you with the clutter in your home.

  • Visit a museum.

  • Book a full spa day.

  • Get your color analysis done.

  • Hire a stylist and create new outfits to redress your closet.

  • Take painting classes.

  • Join a dance classes.

  • Get yourself tickets to a play.

Thank you Protouch Esthetics for providing the photos.

Let’s continue this conversation in the comments. What is self love for you?


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